2022/11/28 - 2022/12/31

7 Bridge Ape (1).png

Nervape NFT users that use our Nervape Bridge to transfer to Godwoken before Tuesday, Dec. 6th, 4:59AM UTC, will receive a new, unique Bridge Ape POAP Badge! Users will also gain the Bridge Ape Role on our Discord. Instructions below.


  1. Bridge before the deadline, Dec. 6th, 4:59AM UTC.

  2. Claim the Bridge Ape POAP using the Ethereum address you bridged with.*

  3. Complete verification under the #Verify Channel in our Nervape Discord. After verification, you will automatically receive your new Bridge Ape Role!

*Note: If you bridge just before the deadline, you have 48 hours from the time you bridge to claim your POAP, even if the deadline has passed. Happy bridging!
